Friday, 10 May 2013

Page 5: The Peeps

"I am all that I am through all those who saw how far I could go and made it a point to let me know..." - Masixole V. Ncusane

Being able to dream is a miracle in its own right, not knowing what to do with that dream requires assistance from God through those who live by his word. All of us, irrespective who are you are or what you are, have a responsibility towards our communities. It is through the realisation of this responsibility that we seek ways of administering change, one that defines your being and those who look up to you. How we handle such a realisation is what sets us apart.
Amidst the conversations we have, a lot of issues that affect us come to the fore and at times we take things lightly holding those before us at ransom for not seeing what we're witnessing and for being forced to live with the consequences of such things not being taken into consideration.

There are those of us who believe in sharing as a means of finding solace, there are those of who have put their trust in finding solutions that are sustainable and would carry on for decades or maybe milleniums to come as a means of bringing good change in our places of birth.

Amongst us we have champions, leaders, scholars, intellects and masters of life. Alas we also have followers, believers and charity cases. When fused together all these personalities form a union of great achievement, one that allows growth to be inevitable for while the other depends on being led towards success, the other despises being lucklustre and prides themselves in being put in an awkward position. A position that will banish them from their comfort zone.

There is a saying in IsiXhosa: "Impundu zi yavimba, inyawo zi yaphana..."

Which is loosely translated to say if you are lazy you will always stay hungry but if you go forth in getting what you want, you will definitely reap what you have sown and the rewards thereof. Through this my cry did not fall on deaf ears, a cry of achieving what is achievable and that is to bring about change in my community.
Along this journey of achieving my goals through Native Yards Brand - , there were 5 people who are greatly gifted individuals that decided to join in. They are the Native Yards Brand Peeps and they all have a story to tell, one that could only be told through action not words. I introduce to you these individuals, who are a perfect description of what I have written and spoke about thus far.

They are:

Lihle Ndindwa -
Zuko Mbangxa -
Nwabisa Mlambo -
Siyabulela Ndiki -
Mpho Ngobeni

We will soon be launching and adding our value's worth quite soon... These will be your go to people.

Until further notice.

Ola de, ola de, ola de....